Supporting Survivors: The March on Washington's Restorative Justice Fund
Untold numbers of Americans were harmed by the racism and violence of the civil rights movement and the years preceding it. Beyond the names we all know, others were harmed, maimed and permanently injured, with the state turning a blind eye, or in many instances participating.
The March on Washington’s Restorative Justice Fund was conceived to help make recompense to those to whom we all owe a debt that can’t truly be repaid. Funds collected from donors will go toward the daily expenses, medical needs, mental health supports of those survivors still with us today.
Sarah Collins Rudolph
In 2023, the Fund supported Sarah Collins Rudolph, the fifth little girl of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Now a public speaker and activist, Ms. Rudolph has spent a lifetime physically and spiritually recovering from the horror of that act of terror.
Who might we support in 2024? Please consider making a donation to the Restorative Justice Fund to support these survivors whose shoulders we stand on!