And the Award Goes to …

Muriel Bowser

Written with guest contributor Liz Sizer

Welcome to jazz quarantine, a place we created to keep each one of the musicians safe, but not quiet,” said jazz harmonicist Frederic Yonnet who opened March On on a musical note.

Craig Emanuel

“It is a pleasure to once again be joining you as the master of ceremonies for March On opening night gala,” said Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart. “I know you’re all looking forward to the educational and entertaining events that are in store for you this week. But tonight, we gathered virtually to celebrate three important voices of the movement, the President and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center Margaret Huang; US Congresswoman representing California’s 43rd district Maxine Waters and an American icon the late Congressman John Lewis will also be joined by some talented artists who will share their amazing gifts with us as well as friends and colleagues of our honorees. 2020 has been a year of uncertainty and turmoil with a global pandemic, economic uncertainty and especially the social unrest happening across America. Due to the ongoing state of racism, it is now more apparent than ever how vital and necessary March On is and the importance of the history it recounts and the voices. It highlights with that in mind.”

Robert Raben


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